Tensegrity http://pts-technischeservice.nl/en/projects/tensegrity Tue, 23 Jul 2024 10:53:21 +0200 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb info@pts-technischeservice.nl (PTS Technische Service) Tensegrity http://pts-technischeservice.nl/en/projects/tensegrity/188-tensegrity http://pts-technischeservice.nl/en/projects/tensegrity/188-tensegrity This tensegrity consists of a polished 316 stainless steel tube with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 500 mm.
The thinner connections are made of stainless steel wires and are tense.

Needle Tower of Tensegrity is a tension and structural integrity.
It refers to the integrity of structures based on a balance between tension and compression loads.
The tensile forces are collected in flexible steel cables.
The pressure forces are absorbed in stainless steel bars.

Tensegrity was first used by the Englishman Mr. Snelson for making structures like his 18 meters high Needle Tower.
The math behind this idea is not so easy. Anyone who thinks that the calculation of a tensegrity is simple should try to look this up online.
There are hundreds of articles, essays an theses made by various authors around the world.
The easiest tensegrities are understandable for people familiar with the theorem of Pythagoras.]]>
info@seogi.nl (Giel Kusters) Tensegrity project Mon, 02 Sep 2013 10:19:51 +0200